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Blogging Advice & Lessons from 22 Bloggers

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What Bloggers Wish They Knew Before They Started Blogging:

“It would have been nice to know how impactful my words could be before I got started blogging. At first, I used my blog as a simple journal of sorts and figured whoever stumbled upon it would be indifferent. But words are powerful — even my words — and if used properly, they can affect and change people and people’s hearts in big ways.” -Tawni from The Life In Between

“I wish I would have to know about the auto-schedule apps, and the groups before blogging. If we don’t have the groups the beginning can get a little lonely because our friends and family don’t really get what blogging is about.” – Gems from Beloved Gems

“I wish I had known the edit button is your friend! It’s great to speak from the heart but there is never any excuse not to check your spelling and grammar. Also, edit what you talk about, think about each post with the bigger picture in mind. Make sure you are sure before you hit that publish button!” – Hayley from Daisy Change

“Something I wish I would’ve known before I started would have to be all the behind the scenes work that is involved. It isn’t just sitting down and writing.”  -Crystal from Happily Ever Uncluttered

“I wish I’d known about Facebook groups when I was just starting out. I blogged for a few months before finding out that these types of groups even existed, and it’s made such a difference! The follows and support from other bloggers gave me the morale boost I needed to keep going when I was new and hardly had any readers besides my friends and family. I’ve learned a ton through these groups, and I’ve also loved discovering other blogs. I don’t personally know anyone else who blogs, so I like the sense of community and support that the groups provide.” –Alyssa from Good in the Simple

Blogging Advice for Beginners:

“The advice I took to heart the most was to take your blog seriously from the beginning. Make everything you do high quality, from pictures to how you promote and the overall look of your blog, and you’ll fake it until you make it! Then you also won’t feel so embarrassed to take the necessary steps to promote it and share it with people. If you love your blog and want to invest in it (and yourself) – it is worth taking your dreams for it seriously!” – Lauren from Sombremesa Stories

“My advice for someone just starting out would be to develop a schedule from the beginning. Blogging can get overwhelming and having a schedule will keep you from wanting to give up!” -Brittany from Sunshine Momma

“My advice for someone who is thinking about starting a blog is to do your research before anything. When I first started, I spent so much time reading articles and coming up with ideas of what I wanted to name my blog as well as what kind of content I would write. I am so glad I spent that extra time in the beginning because I love all the decisions I made–from my URL to my blogging platform”  -Amanda from Blissful Gal

“My advice is to never, ever compete or compare yourself to other bloggers. We all started this journey at the very bottom and are working our way up. There is no point in comparing your chapter one to someone else’s chapter twenty.” -Lecy at A Simpler Grace

“Remember that blogging doesn’t have to be a cut-throat business. It’s about a community of like-minded people that you can befriend to help each other with your personal blogging goals. I thought it was about having the most followers and the most comments and being better than everyone else and therefore I wasn’t a ‘good blogger’, and some would argue that it is about that, but I’ve found that’s more important to do it together because everyone has something different to share.” -Emma from The Happy Journal

“Write what is on your heart rather than what is trendy. The posts of mine that have been the most successful have been when I really spilled my heart to my readers. Don’t be afraid of getting a little vulnerable at times.” – Bethany from Dandelion Pie

“Find a small tribe of bloggers who are willing to help, encourage, and motivate each other. Being close with others who are at a similar phase of blogging as you is invaluable.” – Abby from Winstead Wandering

“Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. It feels weird to make friends with women you’ve never met before, but it’s worth it to have others supporting you when the days come where blogging doesn’t seem worth it anymore. Because those days will eventually come. Blogging is all about community, so build your community up!” – Kayla from The Felicity Jar

“Don’t compare yourself with other blogs/bloggers. You may see your favorite blogs and want their layout, traffic, etc and want that immediately, but that’s not how it works. And it’s okay. Allow yourself to grow and learn and work up to where you want to be. You can’t start at perfect but you can grow there. And have fun!” -Taniqua from Taniqua Ross

“Social media is your best friend and your worst enemy. Although you can use it to promote your blog and reach whole new audiences, as soon as you begin to neglect it, things go downhill. I think the most important way to combat this is to get in a routine of posting once on each of your platforms per day. That way you reach all of the networks every day and still, it’s not too overwhelming to manage!”  -Samantha from Pearls and Polkadots

“For what is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” (Paraphrased) This is true for roses, Shakespeare, but not so much for your blog name. This is an important first step, as all of your social media should later reflect it. Choose your domain/handle/brand name wisely, and don’t be afraid to ask for opinions before you finalize it!” -Addie from Old World New

“Most important is to select your audience group and write for them. Have a rich content and join various social media groups for promoting your blog.” –Anamika from Anamika Ojha

“My advice to someone just starting out is to take it slow and remember that you’re (hopefully!) doing this because you enjoy it. The monetization, the comments, the page views, the social media numbers – they will all come eventually if you keep at it and are dedicated. But the most important thing is to be passionate about what you do, and people will pick up on that!” – Becky from Disney in your Day

Why Bloggers Love Blogging:

” My favorite part of blogging is that I feel connected to my purpose more so than ever before. I believe God led me to write about my struggles in a forum that could create community and connect women to one another. Women who were struggling with the same issues, women who were celebrating similar accomplishments.”  -Mandi from Nosh and Nurture

“My favorite part about blogging is a tie between meeting so many amazing women, boss ladies, and fellow creatives and also having an outlet to express myself. I wish I would have known about blogging groups when I first started (like the Peony Project) I did some many things practically backward because I had no idea what I was doing, and this group has been so helpful! I would tell someone just starting out that they have the blog world at their fingertips, but finding your niche and favorite thing to write about is most important” – Macy from To Travel and Beyond

“My favorite part of blogging is connecting with my readers. Whether it’s helping someone who’s been through a similar situation or raising awareness for a cause, it’s so great to read their comments. Blogging is more work than I thought it would be, but it’s so much more rewarding too” -Shann from Shann Eva’s Blog

“There are many perks to being a blogger. Sometimes you get free things sent to you for review. Sometimes you get paid to write a post. Some times you get extra cash because you are an affiliate with a company. And sometimes, you make friends you wouldn’t trade for the world. My favorite part about blogging is the connections I’ve made. These people are truly some of my dearest friends in my life. And they wouldn’t be in my life if it weren’t for the blog. If for some reason one day the blog is no more, I am confident to say that they will still be there.” -Taylor from Dear Friends Blog

Thanks to ALL my blogging friends who shared their knowledge on HTC! What blogging lesson have you learned? What advice has stuck with you? What questions do you have about blogging?

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